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//cat.exe is an unlockable character. Her cards are white.

She has access to all cards from all characters even if they're not in the ship, she also has access to general utility cards.

CAT is a holographic cat created by Max as seen in Max's first memory. CAT stands for Cobalt Active Terminal.

"The ship’s computer. Her cards summon other characters’ cards, and dabble in every mechanic."


CAT can generate any card from any character through her .EXE cards, the ship's basic cards also belong to her for anything that cares about deck ownership, she can also harness the power of friendship.

She doesn't have the same amount of cards as other characters, so it's more likely to see the same cards pop up more often while she's active as a crewmate.


.EXE cards can create a temporary version of any card from a specific character, CAT will always start a run with 2 of them belonging to characters not currently riding with her, adding extra variety to the run, all the cards she makes through this will have a temporary energy cost discount, making them easier to play the first time they're in hand.

Books.EXE is an Uncommmon card unlike all others, it grants shards alongside a bigger selection of cards, as her cards depend on a resource not found otherwise.


CAT doesn't have a lot of cards, but hers tend to give shields and evade in smaller measures compared to both Dizzy or Riggs, the ship cards being her own means she can use AI Overflow to draw all the Basics, which can be great as they get removed from play until the next shuffle and can be used for free if they've been upgraded.

Power of Friendship

Like in the finale, CAT can use Prism to deal damage based on the number of colors (owner of the card's deck) currently in hand, these include Dizzy, Riggs, Peri, Isaac, Drake, Max, Books, CAT herself, Trash, Ship Unique (Ares, Jupiter), Abyssal Visions, Dracula, Soggins, Tooth and Ephemeral.

Unique Mechanics

Quick Fix: CAT relies a lot on temporary cards, making all of them cheap at once can lead to incredible turns with lots of card plays, it goes well with a variety of EXE cards and any sort of draw engine like Quick Thinking or Math.Max.

Time Skip: It prevents statuses from decaying, things like Temp Shields, Overdrive, Flux can have their effects extended through Time Skip.

CAT is missing: CAT's the only character that can just vanish herself through the use of Temporal Anomaly, a powerful attack that will disable her.


Initial Booster:

Not suited for the strategies that instantly get rid of the Basic Shots, it can help a composition that has a hard time dealing damage more regularly. CAT has a few cards that prefer that you hold on to your basics, and in those this artifact can be deceptively powerful. Also best on Hard and up difficulty, where you have an extra Basic Shot.

Multi Threading:

A relatively weak energy artifact, it will trigger at the start of battle while riding on the Ares or Jupiter, also if you have anything that creates a card on battle start like Premeditation.

Standby Mode:

It allows you to keep some energy from a dead turn, which is more like a consolation prize at times, it goes well with Ion Converter.

Summon Control:

It can turn any temporary card into a permanent one, increasing the chances of drafting the card you need during the game, it can also turn certain, otherwise unobtainable cards into a permanent asset, cards like Wave Beam or Crystal Shard.
