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Peri.EXE is a common CAT card. If Peri is not in your crew, this can be one of CAT's starting cards.



Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Pick 1 of 2 random Peri cards to put in your hand. It gains Temporary and Discounted.

Exhausts when played.


Peri.EXE A


Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Pick 1 of 2 random Peri cards to put in your hand. It gains Temporary and Discounted.

Exhausts when played.

Peri.EXE B


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Pick 1 of 3 random Peri cards to put in your hand. It gains Temporary and Discounted.

Exhausts when played.


Peri cards are frequently useful, providing attack (e.g. Multi Shot, Multi Blast, Escalate, Wave Charge) and directional movement (Lunge, Scoot). Because Multi Blast and Wave Beam are often strong cards to take with this, it can be good to leave an Energy or two available when playing this. As it includes a lot of fixed movement, play it before you spend Evade and other movement resources to better plan how you'll use it.

Its A upgrade discounts it to 0, which is solid, as it is on many CAT cards, though cards that don't Exhaust are preferable choices.

Its B upgrade increases your selection to 3, which is helpful considering how variable Peri's cards are.