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Adaptability is a rare CAT card.



Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Gain 1 Shield.


1. Gain 1 Evade.

Dual Card.


Adaptability A


Costs 0 energy. (-1) When played:

1. Gain 1 Shield.


1. Gain 1 Evade.

Dual Card.

Adaptability B


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Gain 2 Shield. (+1)


1. Gain 2 Evade. (+1)

Dual Card.


Adaptability provides the economy of a basic card, but does so in a way that helps round out your defense, letting you adapt to whatever the enemy is throwing at you. A surprisingly useful card.

Its A upgrade provides a 1 Energy discount. One of the best upgrades of this kind because this card doesn't Exhaust, and there's almost always something this card can do.

Its B upgrade instead doubles the output of both modes. It isn't the best upgrade economy-wise and doesn't add much flexibility to the card, but if you need more per-card economy this can do.