Time Skip

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Time Skip is a rare CAT card.



Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Gain 1 Time Stop.

Retains. Exhausts when played.


Time Skip A


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Gain 1 Time Stop.

Retains. (Does not Exhaust when played.)

Time Skip B


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Gain 2 Time Stop.

Retains. Exhausts when played.


The Time Stop status effect is an effective way to make the most of statuses that decrease over time, keeping several of these effects up for 1 more turn. The most notable hits in CAT's cardpool are Perfect Shield from I Frames and Quick Fix's status of the same name - even one more turn of those can be game-breaking. Quick Fix in particular can lead to time-sensitive infinites, which this gives you a bit more time to set up. Thanks to this card's Retain, you can often line these up, though the combo isn't guaranteed to happen on the first shuffle as you'd need to draw this before the status you're looking to preserve. Other nice statuses to line this up with are Autopilot, Flux, and Overdrive.

Its A upgrade removes Exhaust from the card, opening the door to powerful synergies. If you can trim your deck down to a point where you can play this card every turn, you may transform other statuses in powerful ways, simply because most of them were not made to last indefinitely. Be completely invincible with Perfect Shield! Time Stop also affects some "all charges will disappear next turn" effects, which allows the player to build up a resource that usually cannot be kept for long, like Autododge and Stun Charge.

Its B upgrade instead adds 1 more stack of Time Stop, doubling the power of the card. If 1 stack is good, 2 is better, and if your deck isn't small enough to spam this card this is usually the better upgrade, as the cards that induce the statuses it targets often Exhaust anyway.

For clarity, here is a full list of status effects affected by Time Stop :

Name Description
Autododge Any unspent charge of will be kept for the next turn.
Autopilot.png Autopilot Stays up on the next turn.
TemporaryCheap.png Cheap Fix Lose no charge at the end of the turn.
Engine Stall/Lock Lose no charge at the end of the turn/Stays up on the next turn.
Hermes.png Hermes Boots Stays up on the next turn.
Libra.png Flux Lose no charge at the end of the turn. As Time Stop also makes Temp Shield persist, this may potentially allow for infinite Temp Shield buildup.
BackwardsMissiles.png Missile Malfunction Lose no charge at the end of the turn.
Overdrive.png Overdrive Lose no charge at the end of the turn.
PerfectShield.png Perfect Shield Lose no charge at the end of the turn. Since the only card that applies Perfect Shield always self-inflicts hull damage, Time Stop is the best way to make this cost-effective.
StunCharge.png Stun Charge Stays up on the next turn.
TempShield.png Temporary Shield Although not a status effect itself, the Temporary Shield does not disappear at the start of the turn.