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Prism is a rare CAT card.



Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Attack for X, where X is the number of different color cards in your hand.


Prism A


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Draw a card.
2. Attack for X, where X is the number of different color cards in your hand.

Prism B


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Discard a card.
2. Attack for 2X, where X is the number of different color cards in your hand.


This effect is well-explained by the different colors each card has - all characters have a unique color, Corrupted is a color, and event cards often have a special color of their own. (Note that cards of different rarities within the same character do *not* count as seperate colors.)


Prism isn't quite as impressive as it is in the Finale, but even in a normal run, it provides an above-average attack, most of the time. Most hands will have at least 2 colors in them, so it's hard for this to completely whiff, and 3 is quite common even if you aren't going out of your way to support this card. CAT's .EXE cards give you ways to strengthen this card by adding other colors, and uniquely colored cards like Sport Orb, Leech, Tooth cards will help this card's average output. With Summon Control, you can make a very multi-colored deck for this card to play with. Card draw pairs well with this - especially Second Opinions which can turn this into a powerhouse!

Its A upgrade adds a card draw, and possibly 1 damage, to the shot. While it isn't likely to add 1 damage in most decks, drawing a card is decent, especially in combo decks and ones rich with 0 cost cards.

Its B upgrade is interesting, greatly raising the ceiling of the card if you can get a particularly chromatic deck - dealing up to 18 damage! With a lot of card draw, like Math.Max, even without a chromatic deck, the random discard isn't likely to lower its power. (In a normal 5-card hand, this often won't do much more damage than the unupgraded version, with a nasty downside. So you'll need card draw to make this good.) Random discard effects are problematic, however, especially since you'll want to use this card first; it'll more often than you'd like discard the card you want to play the most. But if the enemy's dead this won't matter too much.