Second Opinions

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Second Opinions is a rare Riggs card.



Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Draw 1 card of each color from the draw pile.

Exhausts when played.


Second Opinions A


Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Draw 1 card of each color from the discard pile.

Exhausts when played.

Second Opinions B


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Draw 1 card of each color from the exhaust pile.

Exhausts when played.


This effect is well-explained by the different colors each card has - all characters have a unique color, Corrupted is a color, and event cards often have a special color of their own. (Note that cards of different rarities within the same character do *not* count as separate colors.)
Second Opinions B will always get back the last exhaust card played from each color, so even if there are multiple of the same color it is possible to know and control which one is retrieved.


Second Opinions draws you cards at 0 cost - an excellent way to get through your deck faster and play your important cards sooner, and an excellent way to take advantage of a low average cost of cards! For each type of color in your draw pile, randomly choose 1 to draw. This can be especially reliable if there's one card that is a unique color in your deck, as you'll draw it with this card if you haven't already with this (note that this could fail if playing this card gets your hand above 10). But even if it doesn't get the card you're looking for, it'll get several other cards out of its way, all without costing energy. This card is frequently worth taking, and a good reason to look for extra Energy and 0 cost cards with Riggs.

Its upgrades are situational and usually not worth it - they cost you both the upgrade and the unupgraded Second Opinions's ability to get through your draw pile - but in the right deck they can be quite spicy. Be sure you know what you're doing!

The A upgrade draws from the discard pile instead, which can be used to recur strong cards you want to play multiple times. Note that it can grab cards you've played this turn, meaning it isn't necessarily useless if you draw it with an empty discard pile, as long as you draw it with other cards you want to play twice that don't exhaust.

The B upgrade is even more situational, drawing from the exhaust pile and adding an Energy cost. If you want to recur strong cards that have Exhaust, such as Ace or Strafe, this can be an option, but make sure you can afford the Energy to play them. This can quite easily brick without the right support - you might draw it before you have anything worth retrieving in the exhaust pile, and in some fights it means you might get back cards you don't want like Trash or Corrupted Core. With Max's Clean Exhaust, this upgrade can go crazy, recurring several expensive Exhaust cards for 0 cost. It is also part of a unique infinite loop together with Cloud Save as described in Exhaust Loops.

Patch Changes

  • Patch 1.0.5 (2023-11-27)
    • Second Opinions is now Rare (down from Uncommon)
Before After
CardSecondOpinionsAv1.0.3.png CardSecondOpinionsBv1.0.3.png
CardSecondOpinionsA.png CardSecondOpinionsB.png
Before After
CardSecondOpinionsAv1.0.0.png CardSecondOpinionsBv1.0.0.png
CardSecondOpinionsAv1.0.3.png CardSecondOpinionsBv1.0.3.png