Patch 1.0.3

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Patch 1.0.3 is a Cobalt Core patch released November 18, 2023.

The patch notes were published on the Rocket Rat Games Discord server here:

Patch Notes

Graphical Changes

  • The logbook now marks each character combo with the hardest difficulty you’ve beat it at
  • Selective Memory and Second Opinions both have unique background art
  • Fixed a rare graphical error that would make Gemini’s artifact show the wrong color (this was purely visual)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a weird interaction between Mitosis and the zone 1 Needler elite fight
  • Made a few shouts trigger less often
  • A certain optional superboss now interacts more fairly with Missile Malfunction. (The old way wasn’t even technically a bug, but it didn’t feel fair!)
  • Saving the game while you have 0 hard drive space available can no longer corrupt your save