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Gemini is an unlockable ship. Gemini starts with Warp Prep and Gemini Core. Gemini is five tiles wide.

“A powerful ship with dual cannons and missile bays which cycle after every card played.”


The Gemini offers two Cannons, allowing you to target opposing ships more easily, as well as two Missile Bays, one of which is active at any time. With careful planning, it's often possible for the player to ensure the desired cannon is active as you play cards, giving added flexibility to the player. It adds one more wrinkle to problem-solving how to get the most out of any given turn. The fact that the toggle isn't optional can sometimes get in your way, though good card drafting can help with this. It comes with a Basic Swap that can help with this problem, which can also be upgraded for either extra card draw or the possibility for an infinite (albeit one that needs an Artifact to reward it). In general, low cost cards are quite helpful on this ship to give you flexibility on the order of your card plays. For example, if your current cannon isn't aligned on the enemy ship but you have a Crystal Shard, you can play the Crystal Shard first to switch cannons, then attack. If your current cannon is aligned, you'd play your attack first.

Its boss artifact upgrade, Gemini Core Booster, gives your left cannon additional power and your right cannon less power, but a Stun effect. This is very powerful, and with careful planning can yield either additional damage or defensive utility, depending on what your fight calls for. Its right cannon's Stun is particularly valuable against The Cobalt while its left cannon's power can help you in fights where you need to finish the enemy quickly.

Character-specific interactions:

Dizzy: This ship is reasonable for him, with decent Max Shield, and the cannons help him Stun the enemy ship more effectively.
Riggs: Evade and card draw are both excellent on this ship, as they are on most ships. Cheap cards like Bolt help too. Her Flywheel makes Basic Swap A into a lethal infinite if your deck is small enough.
Peri: She loves the togglable cannons on this ship, giving her flexibility on how to best fire at the enemy ship without spending Evade needlessly.
Isaac: The togglable Missile Bays are a huge boon for him — on this ship, he can play two consecutive cards that deploy a Midrow Object without them running into each other. He can often block one half of the ship with objects while firing from the other side of it.
Drake: This ship has decent hull to gambit with, and toggle-able cannons help too. A perfectly good ship for this pirate, even if it doesn't look the part.
Max: Admin Deploy can set up some interesting plays here — note that it will first toggle the cannons, before the card it targets is played. This can be used as an asset. Also, this ship is a perfectly good ship for combos, and it even comes with a built-in infinite enabler in Basic Swap to be exploited with Math.Max, if you have an artifact to do so.
Books: Her Crystal Shards are great for toggling the cannons, and her Geodes can have a field day too with the swapping Missile Bays.
CAT: Her many card plays per turn (e.g. .EXE into whatever you got from it, her many 0 cost upgrades) give you plenty of flexibility as to where your cannons are.

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