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Math.Max is a common Max card.



Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Draw 10 cards.
2. Gain 2 Draw Less Next Turn.


Math.Max A


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Draw 10 cards.
2. Gain 1 Draw Less Next Turn. (-1)

Math.Max B


Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Draw 10 cards.
2. Gain 1 Draw Less Next Turn. (-1)

Exhausts when played.


Your max hand size is 10, so this will always fill your card to 10 cards. You will draw cards equal to your 10 - (your hand size) after Math.Max is played.


Math.Max is one of Max's signature cards, providing huge card draw at the cost of card draw next turn. This can be used to assemble combos, such as Admin Deploy B into Clean Exhaust, and generally get to key cards like Endless Magazine. 0 cost cards are also useful to make the most of this. Sources of Energy, such as Extra Battery and Bay Overload, can help too. To survive the turn after playing this, it can be good to build up Shield and Evade using it, though spending this to survive next turn may outweigh the benefits of this card if you have not built into it. Alternately, try to finish the fight on the turn you play this so that the downside doesn't matter.

Where Math.Max really shines is in creating infinites, thanks to its immense ability to draw cards. See Guide to Infinite Loops for strategies. Note that the draw down next turn doesn't matter if you can use this card to go infinite.

Its A upgrade reduces the handsize reduction next turn, making it a bit less costly and/or dangerous to use. It doesn't help once you're infinite but it helps you get there more safely.

Its B upgrade reduces its Energy cost and handsize reduction next turn, allowing you to do more with the big hand that it gives you as well as the A version's benefits, at the cost of making it Exhaust. It's ideal to set up a big turn or just get key cards in play early. It also means that you can get it back with Cloud Save. You are giving up the ability to go infinite with this card if you choose this upgrade, though if you have two copies of Math.Max it may be quite useful to upgrade one of them to its B version so that it helps set up your combo and then gets out of your way.

Patch Changes

Before After