System Security

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System Security is a common Max card.



Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. Gain 1 Shield.
2. Gain 2 Temp Shield.



System Security A


Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. Gain 2 Shield.
2. Gain 2 Temp Shield.


System Security B


Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. Gain 1 Shield.
2. Gain 2 Temp Shield.

Retains. Recycles.


System Security provides good, timely defense. In comparison to Big Shield, it gives Temp Shield instead of Shield, but its Retain means that you can use it on the turn when you need it, making its Temp Shield as good as Shield in most cases. Its Retain works well with your starter Admin Deploy - the turn after you draw it and onward, it will be your leftmost card, allowing Admin Deploy to play it for 1 Energy.

Its A upgrade adds 1 Shield to the package, making it a slightly worse Big Shield B that retains. Not the strongest upgrade numerically but it's Shield which Max doesn't have that many sources of.

Its B upgrade adds Recycle to this card, a rare keyword that allows you to see this card again the next turn after you use it (just not if you used Admin Deploy on it!). It will still cost you a draw, but will allow you to consistently block for 3 every single turn if you need to. In some fights, such as Spike Jr, this can be a slow but sure path to victory.