Dice Roll

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Dice Roll is a common Max card.



Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Discard two cards at random.
2. Attack for 1.



Dice Roll A


Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Discard two cards at random.
2. Attack for 2.


Dice Roll B


Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Discard two cards at random.
2. Attack for 1.
3. Gain 1 Temp Shield.



Dice Roll is a unique attack that, instead of costing Energy, discards two cards that aren't necessarily itself. It can be used as many times as you'd like in the same turn as long as it doesn't discard itself. It pairs well with card draw, most notably Math.Max. If you have a hand full of cards but no Energy to play them, but this card is there, you can make use of your hand by playing this card until it discards itself. (On average, it deals 1 + (hand size - 2 / 4) damage for even handsizes in this case - so 3 damage in a full 10-card hand where you play nothing else.)

Its A upgrade doubles its damage, which can be powerful considering you will often play it more than once per turn.

Its B upgrade instead adds 1 Temp Shield, which is also once per time you play this card. However, randomized Temp Shield output is often harder to tolerate than random damage output usually.