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Reroll is a common Max card and one of Max's starting cards.



Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Reverse the order of cards in your hand.
2. Gain 2 Temp Shield.


Reroll A


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Reverse the order of cards in your hand.
2. Gain 3 Temp Shield. (+1)

Reroll B


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Randomize the order of cards in your hand.
2. Gain 2 Shield.


Reroll reverses your hand along with providing some basic defensive utility. Reversing your hand is primarily useful for cards that care about hand position like Admin Deploy, Autopilot, Root Access, and the Tiderunner. For better or for worse, it can get Retaining cards out of the left slot of your hand and freshly drawn cards into the left slot. Its defense is slightly worse than what Dizzy can do but is still serviceable (and if Dizzy isn't around, can even be an important part of your defensive economy).

Its A upgrade increases the Temp Shield gain to 3, which is fairly weak for an upgrade.

Its B upgrade turns it into semi-permanent Shield, allowing you to stockpile it for a turn you need it. With solid Evade or on the Tiderunner, but no Shield or on the Tiderunner, this can be surprisingly valuable, allowing you to tank a little damage on just the right turn. It also turns reversing your hand into randomizing, which usually isn't important but something to keep in mind.