Clean Exhaust

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Clean Exhaust is a rare Max card.



Costs 4 energy. When played:

1. Gain 1 Clean Exhaust.

Exhausts when played.


Clean Exhaust A


Costs 3 energy. (-1) When played:

1. Gain 1 Clean Exhaust.

Exhausts when played.

Clean Exhaust B


Costs 4 energy. When played:

1. Gain 1 Clean Exhaust.
2. Draw 2 cards.

Exhausts when played.


Clean Exhaust opens the door to some powerful combos at the cost of a significant up-front investment. It goes well with Exhausting cards that cost a lot of Energy, like Payback, Ace, Vamoose, Battalion, or Pillage and Plunder, and it goes very well with ways to get cards back from the exhaust pile, such as Cloud Save and Selective Opinions B. Thanks to its effect, it can refund its cost immediately if paired with other Exhausting cards - if Static Noise is in the same hand, you can play your whole hand alongside it (because your hand becomes free with Clean Exhaust and Static Noise in hand). It's also a prime target for Admin Deploy, though if it's a key piece of your strategy this may not be reliable enough without artifact support (and an upgrade to Admin Deploy). It's an amazing target for Lightspeed Boot Disk, as it wants to be in play early, and Lightspeed Boot Disk ensures you can afford its cost. Card draw effects like Math.Max pair excellently with this card.

Its A upgrade is essential to be able to play it at all if you do not have a source of extra Energy to play it (and no reliable way to hit it with Admin Deploy).

Its B upgrade adds a draw 2 effect, which seems ambitious given its Energy cost, but if your deck is full of Exhausting cards, you have a lot of 0 cost cards in your deck after you play this, so this can absolutely be valuable if you have a way to afford this card.