Pillage and Plunder

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Pillage and Plunder is a rare Drake card.



Costs 3 energy. When played:

1. Attack for 2. If this kills, gain 1 max hull (and 1 current hull).

Exhausts when played.


Pillage and Plunder A


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Attack for 2. If this kills, gain 1 max hull (and 1 current hull).

Exhausts when played.

Pillage and Plunder B


Costs 3 energy. When played:

1. Attack for 3 with Pierce. If this kills, gain 1 max hull (and 1 current hull).

Exhausts when played.


The "on kill" effect is an effect of the attack, and therefore is copied by Jupiter Drones.


Pillage and Plunder is one of the few meta-scaling cards in this game, allowing you to capitalize on weaker enemies to have lots of hull for stronger ones. This, in turn, lets Drake gambit more hull in key boss fights.

One problem with Pillage and Plunder is that it somewhat leans away from Drake's playstyle - it rewards a defensive, slow approach to most fights. The more in control you are of a fight defensively, the more you can afford to wait to line up this card to attack at just the right moment. An all-out attacking strategy can rarely afford to stall for this card. However, it is very rewarding when it works, and note that it gives you current hull when it lands, allowing you to gambit hull in even normal fights with the hope that this will give you back 1 of that. (Heal Booster will augment the current hull gain, too, making that artifact work well with this too.) With that said, this card is great if you're mostly using a defensive strategy (presumably with Drake's co-pilots).

Its A upgrade makes it easier to land by making it only cost 1, allowing you to play other cards to help it land. It also makes it easy to Exhaust this and get it out of your way in fights where it isn't feasible/necessary, such as the final boss.

Its B upgrade instead adds 1 damage and Piercing to it - usually, this is inferior to the A upgrade. This still isn't great value, and usually having 2 more Energy in a turn is more helpful than this in getting the finishing blow to land.