Heal Booster

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Heal Booster is an artifact that heals you for 1 more whenever you heal.


This artifact's description is very literal! Repair Yard heals are boosted (you'll be shown the boosted value on the menu), mid-combat heals like Battle Repair, Hot Compress, and Bloodstone Bolt are boosted, and even the heals that come with max hull gains, such as those after a boss kill or after killing with Pillage and Plunder, are boosted. Heals from other artifacts like Rebound Reagent or Nanofiber Hull are affected too! With enough heals, this artifact can really do a lot of work. Drake in particular loves it, letting her get quite reckless with her self-damaging Heat cards.

Keep this artifact in mind when drafting! Its boost won't be shown on cards as you're drafting them, but it will on cards as you're playing them.