Bloodstone Bolt

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Bloodstone Bolt is a uncommon Books card.



Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Take 1 hull damage.
2. Attack for 3.
3. Spend 2 Shard to heal for 1.


Bloodstone Bolt A


Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Take 1 hull damage.
2. Attack for 3.
3. Spend 1 Shard to heal for 1.

Bloodstone Bolt B


Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Take 1 hull damage.
2. Attack for 3.
3. Spend 2 Shard to heal for 2.

Exhausts when played.


Bloodstone Bolt provides a powerful attack, but at a cost to your hull unless you can pay 2 Shard. (And remember not to play this card when at 1 hull under any circumstances.) It's usually not realistic to expect to have enough Shard every time you draw this, even with a good Shard economy — e.g. the first time you draw it — so it's at its best when you can sometimes trade hull to use it when you need it (but have a strong enough Shard economy to usually get the heal). Nanofiber Hull can help with this, as can Pillage and Plunder. Heal Booster can also help with this, and is especially notable since with it you can use this card for renewable healing in slower fights. This card has synergy with Rebound Reagent, as it can trigger its heal, and Peri's Revenge Drive, which will give you 1 Overdrive that conveniently also strengthens this card's attack.

Its A upgrade is another Shard economy booster of an upgrade and makes it significantly easier to use this card without losing hull.

Its B upgrade boosts the heal, allowing this card to be a net positive for your hull when played, at the expense of giving it Exhaust. If played every fight, it will be much like a Nanofiber Hull. Ideally, you'll have Resonance Fork or other fast Shard economy to play this the first time you draw it and get it out of your deck.