Resonance Fork

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Resonance Fork is an artifact that starts you out at full Shard each combat.


Resonance Fork makes Shard-based strategies more consistent, letting you play your Shard consumers at the very start of combat with no issue - normally a heavy Shard build can struggle early in fights if it draws Shard consumers before Shard producers. Look for Zircon Zip and Block Evolution to give you a defensive surge early in fights. Alternately, Glimmer Shot can end some shorter fights before they really start with this artifact.

Another option is to draft Overflowing Power A, letting you get Powerdrive when you first play that card. This ensures that no fight will take too long.

This pairs well with Shard Collector, making it give you 4 Shard instead of 3. With both this and Shard Collector, Overflowing Power works great even with no upgrade.