Zircon Zip

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Zircon Zip is a common Books card.



Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Move right 1 space.
2. Spend 1 Shard to gain 1 Evade.
3. Spend 1 Shard to gain 1 Evade.



Zircon Zip A


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Move right 1 space.
2. Unconditionally gain 1 Evade.
3. Spend 1 Shard to gain 1 Evade.


Zircon Zip B


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Move right 1 space.
2. Spend 1 Shard to gain 1 Evade.
3. Spend 1 Shard to gain 1 Evade.
4. Spend 1 Shard to gain 1 Evade.



Zircon Zip cashes in your Shard for the ever-important Evade resource, allowing you to get out of harm's way. Even if you don't have Shard, it's almost as good as a Basic Dodge, providing a flexible point of movement when played. With Shard, this is like Scramble A, with 2 Shard replacing 1 Energy. All in all, in many cases this is one of the best things your Shard can buy.

Its A upgrade either saves you 1 Shard or gets you 1 more Evade depending on your situation, which can be useful if you're desperate for Evade and have a weak Shard economy. Otherwise, there are better upgrades.

Its B upgrade can get you 1 more Evade in an overflowing Shard economy. Upgrading to Basic Dodge B is probably preferable to this most of the time, as it gives you 1 Evade unconditionally (and an Energy), and with this card + a lot of Shard, which you presumably have if you're considering this upgrade, you probably don't need Basic Dodge to stick around.