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Scramble is a common Riggs card and one of Riggs's starting cards.



Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. Gain 2 Evade.


Scramble A


Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. Gain 3 Evade.

Scramble B


Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. Move 2 spaces in a random direction.
2. Gain 2 Evade.


Scramble gives you a way of building up Evade from the first turn - a valuable resource, especially in early fights. It being 2 cost and being only modestly efficient for its Energy means you will usually want a better source of Evade, especially since Riggs has a lot of card draw effects that don't like cards being expensive like this. But this card serves nicely in the early game. Use your Evade economically in the early game - sometimes it's worth taking a small amount of damage now to ensure that you'll have what it takes to dodge big attacks later in the fight. While playing this card often precludes you from doing much else this turn, maintaining some Evade throughout early fights is often key to victory.

The A upgrade gives +1 Evade, which is relatively modest. Its B upgrade gives you a random movement of two squares, which if you're lucky can let you keep your Evade you gained from it without having to immediately spend it to defend this turn.