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Fleetfoot is an uncommon Riggs card.



Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Gain 1 Hermes Boots.
2. Gain 1 Evade.


Fleetfoot A


Costs 0 energy. (-1) When played:

1. Gain 1 Hermes Boots.
2. Gain 1 Evade.

Fleetfoot B


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Gain 2 Hermes Boots.
2. Gain 1 Evade.


Fleetfoot gives 1 Evade and makes your movements go farther this turn. It lets you move at least 2 spaces on its own, with additional value if you have Evade stored up or from other cards, making it a very good deal if moving far is worthwhile to you. Against Crystalline Entity and The Cobalt, this card can be part of a strategy that simply kites those enemies forever. Bear in mind that once you have a stack of Hermes Boots, it's pretty hard to move an odd number of spaces if you're looking to line up with a specific target. If Fleetfoot is drawn on a turn when the enemy isn't attacking and you're already where you want to be, it's effect is mediocre, but not terrible.

Its A upgrade sweetens the deal by making it 0 cost, allowing it to synergize with Riggs's card draw effects quite nicely and allowing you to play Evade cards and other things more easily alongside it.

The B upgrade meanwhile gives you 2 stacks of Hermes Boots, allowing you to travel an exceptional distance in one turn - if you need additional help to kite Crystalline Entity and The Cobalt, this could be worthwhile; otherwise the A upgrade tends to be better bang for buck overall (plus it becomes quite difficult to line up with targets once this is active!)