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Strafe is a rare Riggs card.

It gives a status of the same name. Whenever you move any amount of spaces for any reason, attack for an amount equal to the stacks of Strafe that you have.



Costs 4 energy. When played:

1. Gain 1 Strafe.

Exhausts when played.


Strafe A


Costs 3 energy. (-1) When played:

1. Gain 1 Strafe.

Exhausts when played.

Strafe B


Costs 4 energy. When played:

1. Gain 2 Strafe.

Exhausts when played.


Strafe allows you to convert your Evade and other movement into offense, shooting every time you move. If you have accumulated Evade before using this card, sometimes you can kill the enemy outright right after playing this card by simply moving back and forth in front of them (but you should do the math to confirm this is a kill beforehand so you don't get stranded with no Evade). This means that unlike many "power" cards like Ace, this one does not need to be played early in a fight - which is good, because it's quite hard to do so owing to its 4 cost and no immediate output. You'll need to upgrade it to its A version, have an Energy artifact, or line it up with a card that gives Energy like Prepare or Bay Overload or similar. Strafe can be your entire offensive plan if you have a lot of ways to move, allowing you to stop drafting, and removing, other offense cards and simply single-mindedly focus on Evade. Note that the Tiderunner can make great use of this card even without Evade thanks to its natural ship movement.

The A upgrade is required if you don't have a way to gain Energy consistently enough to play this card (or even if you need a way to play other cards alongside it), allowing you to play it with the usual 3 Energy allowance you get per turn.

The B upgrade on the other hand doubles its power, which is amazing if you can afford to do so using Energy artifacts.