Think Twice

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Think Twice is a rare Riggs card.



Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Discard your hand.
2. Draw 5 cards.

Exhausts when played.


Think Twice A


Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Discard your hand.
2. Draw 7 cards. (+2)

Exhausts when played.

Think Twice B


Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Discard your hand.
2. Draw 3 cards. (-2)

(Does not Exhaust when played.)


Think Twice draws cards for 0 Energy, which is great. The only catch is that you have to discard your hand, requiring you to gamble on whether to spend your Energy in your current hand or speculate on your new hand being better. Think Twice is a great way to dig for important cards to play early like Vamoose, Ace, and many Evade-giving cards, and like any card draw appreciates low card costs (0 cost cards in particular can often be played with no reservation in either hand). While it takes some skill to use well, Think Twice is a great addition to almost any deck.

The A upgrade draws 2 more cards in your second hand, which is great value. Generally this means you should play it early in the turn since you're quite likely to have good options in your second hand, and you get through your deck 2 cards faster.

The B upgrade, on the other hand, makes the card re-usable card draw but in exchange halves its effectiveness (+4 cards on the original, +2 on the B upgrade) and makes saving Energy for the 3-card hand more of a gamble as there may not be anything worth spending on there. This upgrade is suitable for decks that have many 0-cost cards, other sources of card draw, and expect to cycle through the deck quickly. This card can be part of infinite combos or near-infinite combos in the right deck! Note that you need to play the B version 3 times before it catches up to the A version in terms of net card draw, so make sure you've thought this through!