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Prepare is an uncommon Riggs card.



Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. Gain 2 Draw Next Turn.
2. Gain 2 Energy Next Turn.


Prepare A


Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. Gain 4 Draw Next Turn. (+2)
2. Gain 2 Energy Next Turn.

Prepare B


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Gain 2 Draw Next Turn.
2. Gain 3 Energy Next Turn.


Prepare ensures your next turn will be strong, at the cost of 2 Energy for no immediate benefit. It gives you back the Energy you spent on it and gives you 2 cards for the 1 card you spent drawing it, assuming you are able to accept deferred value. Warp Mastery pairs well with this, allowing you to better absorb the weaker early turns this card will tend to cause. It can be used to make it easier to put big-energy cards like Ace or Strafe into play while playing other cards alongside it, though it isn't a reliable way to do this. The Jupiter ship can particularly capitalize on the powerful turn this card provides, allowing you to play a Jupiter Drone (or two, or more!) alongside several strong attacks on the same turn.

Its upgrades are quite strong - the A upgrade allows you to draw 2 more cards, which is amazing value if you can capitalize on it. 0 cost cards are great companions for this upgrade.

If your deck's Energy costs are higher, the B upgrade is worth considering, giving you 1 more Energy instead.