Selective Memory

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Selective Memory is an uncommon Riggs card.



Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Select a card from your draw pile and put it in your hand.

Exhausts when played.


Selective Memory A


Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Select two cards from your draw pile and put it in your hand.

Exhausts when played.

Selective Memory B


Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Select a card from your draw or discard pile and put it in your hand.

Exhausts when played.


Selective Memory is a great way to make just about any deck more consistent, allowing you to have an answer to whatever this turn requires of you, or perhaps to get an important card in play early such as Ace or Strafe. Its only drawback is that it can brick if drawn late in the draw order, when nothing is in your draw pile, which is actually a significant issue in small decks. (Card draw effects can mitigate this by reshuffling the deck first.)

Its A upgrade powers it up, allowing it to double as card draw, and allows you to assemble 2-card combos such as Admin Deploy into Strafe more consistently than its original version does. The risk of the second card being wasted is more significant in smaller decks, so this is best suited for larger decks, but can be fine anyway as an insurance policy in smaller decks.

Its B upgrade addresses this card's main drawback and lets you get truly any card in your deck that you need right now, even if it's in your discard pile, making it a better insurance policy for a deck and makes it suitable for smaller decks.

Patch Changes

  • Patch 1.0.5 (2023-11-27)
    • Selective Memory is now Uncommon (down from Rare)
Before After
CardSelectiveMemoryAv1.0.3.png CardSelectiveMemoryBv1.0.3.png
CardSelectiveMemoryA.png CardSelectiveMemoryB.png
Before After
CardSelectiveMemoryAv1.0.0.png CardSelectiveMemoryBv1.0.0.png
CardSelectiveMemoryAv1.0.3.png CardSelectiveMemoryBv1.0.3.png