Quick Thinking

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Quick Thinking is a common Riggs card.



Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Draw 3 cards.


Quick Thinking A


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Draw 5 cards. (+2)

Quick Thinking B


Costs 0 energy. (-1) When played:

1. Draw 3 cards.

Exhausts when played.


Quick Thinking allows you to draw more cards, giving you more options during a turn. Energy is quite limited, however, so while you'll have more options, you'll have 1 less Energy to act with. If there are expensive cards you'd like to play, like Ace or Strafe, be careful not to draw them using this without enough Energy to afford them! Ways to gain more Energy, such as Flywheel, pair well with this card. It's also a good idea to look for 0 Energy cards to pair with this.

The A upgrade goes harder down the road, boosting card draw by a staggering 2, but offers no answer to the problem of how you'll afford to actually play these cards, so it requires you to have this answer already.

The B upgrade instead offers to help solve this problem by eliminating the Energy cost of this card, a significant boon - making it much better at digging for key expensive cards than its unupgraded version, but at the expense of giving it Exhaust.

Patch Changes

Before After