Hand Cannon

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Hand Cannon is a rare Riggs card.



Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. Attack for X, where X is your hand size (excluding this card).


Hand Cannon A


Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. Draw 1 card.
2. Attack for X, where X is your hand size (excluding this card).

Hand Cannon B


Costs 3 energy (+1). When played:

1. Attack for 2X, where X is your hand size (excluding this card).

Exhausts when played.


Hand Cannon is one way to turn your card draw into offense, hitting enemies hard. It's notably not bad even on a "normal" hand where you don't draw any cards - it deals 4 damage for 2 Energy, provided you don't have to play any other cards first (which you might). But it's at its best with card draw effects like Second Opinions or Quick Thinking. Its high cost does somewhat clash with the idea of card draw however - for example, Quick Thinking into this is 3 Energy already - but it is nonetheless a great way to translate card draw into damage. Pair it with 0 cost cards so you can at least somewhat take advantage of your handsize after using this, despite typically being low on energy. Alternately, Prepare is an amazing companion to this card, giving you a hand with both a large hand and a lot of Energy at the same time!

The A upgrade adds 1 damage and draws a card - solid value for the upgrade.

The B upgrade, on the other hand, allows you to hit for up to *18* in the right circumstances, but its increased Energy cost and the fact that it Exhausts means it's a card that really needs the card draw and Energy support to be worthwhile - note that you can't play it and Quick Thinking in the same turn under normal circumstances.