Patch 1.0.2

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Patch 1.0.2 is a Cobalt Core patch released November 15, 2023.

The patch notes were published on the Rocket Rat Games Discord server here:

Patch Notes

Balance Changes

Graphical Changes

Bug Fixes

  • Progress bar fixes!
    • Artifact #87 is correctly marked in the codex now. (If you’ve already seen the game’s finale, you may need to do it again to properly mark this as seen.)
    • three cards have been removed from the codex temporarily, as they’re not accessible at this moment
    • added one card to the codex that should have been there already
    • Event #26 has been correctly added to the pool
    • In total, this should mean players can properly get 100% on all progress bars now
  • Spawning objects inside of a wall now immediately destroys them
  • Fixed a bug that caused Scrap Armor to sometimes not trigger correctly
  • Shield and Temp Shield are no longer considered statuses.
  • Fixed a crash from doubling Total Cache Wipe’s effect with Zero Doubler. Feel free to double this card all you like, now
  • Fixed a weird niche bug where Buried Relic’s self-boost could sometimes be unstunnable