Zero Draw

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Zero Draw is a rare Books card.



Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. Draw all 0 cost cards from your discard pile.


Zero Draw A


Costs 1 energy (-1). When played:

1. Draw all 0 cost cards from your discard pile.

Zero Draw B


Costs 0 (-2) energy. When played:

1. Gain 1 Energy.
2. Draw all 0 cost cards from your discard pile.

Exhausts when played.


Zero Draw draws all your 0 cost cards, incentivizing you to put as many into your deck as possible. This includes Crystal Shard, so the more of those you have the more Shard and card draw you'll get too. Note that all Basic cards upgrade to be 0 cost, so this is one reason to consider upgrading instead of removing them. Play your 0 cost cards before you play this card so that you redraw them when you play it. Books has a few 0 cost cards she can draft herself, such as Mining Drill, Ol' Reliable A, and Medusa Field A, though it helps to have other crewmates that have other useful 0 cost cards. (CAT has many, and also happens to like keeping basics around!) It is possible for this to brick if you draw it with an empty draw pile, so be sure you have enough 0 cost cards to justify this.

Its A upgrade is a 1 Energy discount, which is great for decks which draft this, since they'll be playing it often.

Its B upgrade is effectively a 3(!) Energy discount, 2 to -1, at the expense of making the card Exhaust. This is great for up-tempo decks that are trying to win quickly, and note that if you have more than 1 Zero Draw in your deck, Zero Draw B can be drawn by the other Zero Draw if you don't play Zero Draw B when you first draw it.