Quantum Quarry

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Quantum Quarry is a rare Books card.



Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. Gain 1 Quantum Quarry.

Exhausts when played.


Quantum Quarry A


Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. Gain 1 Quantum Quarry.
2. Gain 2 Shard.


Exhausts when played.

Quantum Quarry B


Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. Gain 1 Quantum Quarry.
2. Gain 1 Max Shard.

Exhausts when played.


Quantum Quarry turbo-charges your Shard economy in one card. In comparison to Shardpack, this gives you 1 Shard per turn rather than 2 per shuffle (and without the upfront Shield). Its impact on your Shard economy, compared to adding a Crystal Shard or upgrading a card in a Shard-economy improving way, is roughly your deck size divided by 5, assuming no card draw. (On e.g. the Ares it's actually that divided by 4). It's also more consistent than those sources of Shard economy - they can miss the shuffle or otherwise not be played.

In practice it can be difficult to draft this card because it's such a large jump in Shard economy, and you've probably been building your deck around your current Shard economy. You need a lot of Shard consumers in your deck to be able to fully take advantage of this, which you probably don't have since you didn't have this card when you were previously drafting. It is a significant investment to play this card. Still, if you can pair this with Overflowing Power, Zircon Zip, and Block Evolution (and perhaps a Glimmer Shot), this can be a key part of a strategy where you build to a strong defense, gradually get Overflowing Power activations, and then finish them with Glimmer Shot.

Its A upgrade adds 2 upfront Shard, speeding up the time between when you play this card and can play the heavy Shard consumers you want to pair with it.

Its B upgrade instead ups its cost and doubles its Shard output. This is a huge investment, and hard to play without taking damage. It also produces a lot of Shard. You'd better have a plan to use all that Shard - your capacity is only 3 by default!

Patch Changes

  • Patch 1.1 Hotfix #3 (2024-06-28)
    • Upgrade A now also retains
    • Upgrade B has been completely reworked; it instead gives +1 max shard
Before After
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