Patch 1.1

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Patch 1.1 is a Cobalt Core patch released for PC on June 17, 2024.

The patch notes were published on the Rocket Rat Games Discord server here:

Patch Notes



  • Fixed a graphical bug in the Hardest version of the big crystal fight
  • A few smaller fixes on really weird, niche edge cases


  • Renamed a status from "DRAW LESS NEXT TURN" to "SHAKEN"
  • Updated credits


  • In the interest of keeping the game's initial learning curve the same, all the new enemies can only show up after you've played or won a few runs. Pre-existing save files that have already done this will already have access to the new enemies.
  • This update is live now on Steam!
  • Switch players, expect this patch in about a month 😊

Patch 1.1 Showcase.png

Hotfix (June 21, 2024)

These hotfix notes were published on the Rocket Rat Games Discord server here:

Hotfix #2 (June 26, 2024)

These hotfix notes were published on the Rocket Rat Games Discord server here:

Hotfix #3 (June 28, 2024)

These hotfix notes were published on the Rocket Rat Games Discord server here:

  • Rail Cannon: All multi-hit attacks now cap at 1x2 instead of 1x3
  • Minesweeper: on ArtifactHardmode.pngHardest, gained +3 hull, +3 shields, but is no longer armored (now +2/+2 compared to normal)
  • Replicator: Main cannon starts with +1 damage and can go up to 5 max damage (instead of 4)
  • Reworked the card Quantum Quarry's upgrades:
    • A now also retains
    • B has been completely reworked; it instead gives +1 max shard
  • Made an internal variable (overheatDamage) do what it says it does. This one's just for modders, no impact on normal gameplay

1.1.1 Balance Changes Test (July 10, 2024)

These balance change test notes were published on the Rocket Rat Games Discord server here:

Here's an unusual one: We're testing a balance change on the main branch of the game. Let us know what you think!

  • Player Ship Changes
    • Ares: -1 max hull, -1 max shield (from 9/5 to 8/4)
    • Jupiter: +2 max hull, +1 max shield
    • Tiderunner: -1 max hull
  • Enemy Changes
    • Removed 2 hull and 2 shield from the Minesweeper enemy
    • Wizbo can no longer have Solar Flare as a fight modifier if you start the fight with 3 or less hull 🧙‍♂️ 🔥