Patch 1.1

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Patch 1.1 is a Cobalt Core patch released June 17, 2024.

The patch notes were published on the Rocket Rat Games Discord server here:

Patch Notes



  • Fixed a graphical bug in the Hardest version of the big crystal fight
  • A few smaller fixes on really weird, niche edge cases


  • Renamed a status from "DRAW LESS NEXT TURN" to "SHAKEN"
  • Updated credits


  • In the interest of keeping the game's initial learning curve the same, all the new enemies can only show up after you've played or won a few runs. Pre-existing save files that have already done this will already have access to the new enemies.
  • This update is live now on Steam!
  • Switch players, expect this patch in about a month 😊

Patch 1.1 Showcase.png

Hotfix (June 21, 2024)

These hotfix notes were published on the Rocket Rat Games Discord server here:

Hotfix #2 (June 26, 2024)

These hotfix notes were published on the Rocket Rat Games Discord server here:

Hotfix #3 (June 28, 2024)

These hotfix notes were published on the Rocket Rat Games Discord server here:

  • Rail Cannon: All multi-hit attacks now cap at 1x2 instead of 1x3
  • Minesweeper: on ArtifactHardmode.pngHardest, gained +3 hull, +3 shields, but is no longer armored (now +2/+2 compared to normal)
  • Replicator: Main cannon starts with +1 damage and can go up to 5 max damage (instead of 4)
  • Reworked the card Quantum Quarry's upgrades:
    • A now also retains
    • B has been completely reworked; it instead gives +1 max shard
  • Made an internal variable (overheatDamage) do what it says it does. This one's just for modders, no impact on normal gameplay