Glimmer Shot

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Glimmer Shot is a common Books card.



Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Lose all Shard. For each, attack for 2.

Exhausts when played.


Glimmer Shot A


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Lose all Shard. For each, attack for 2.

(Does not Exhaust when played.)

Glimmer Shot B


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Lose all Shard. For each, attack for 3.

Retain. Exhausts when played.


Glimmer Shot is one of Books' few offensive ways to spend Shard. It isn't a good early-game card, as you need a good amount of Shard to take advantage of it — if you don't have any Shard, it's a complete brick of a draw, and with 1 Shard, it's a Mage Hand minus the Shield. But it has potential once you've built up more of a Shard economy, using each Shard for 2 damage, and depending on how you're using it, its upgrades are strong and quite essential to using the card well. Resonance Fork makes this card usable right from the get-go, even with no upgrades. Note that if you've leaned away from Books but have Resonance Fork (or if you're offered this from Books.EXE and don't actually have Books on your crew), this is an excellent pickup simply as a one-time 6 (4) damage card.

Its A upgrade assumes you have a strong shard economy to be able to use it multiple times, but seeing as this card's one of only 2 ways to use Shard for offense, if you have a strong Shard economy and need a way to turn that into a way to kill enemy ships at some point, it's essential to keep this card around.

Its B upgrade, on the other hand, gives it Retain and ups its damage to 3. This upgrade means that it can be used as a reliable finisher to a fight while only costing you 1 card of tempo on your first draw through of the deck. Now you no longer need to have a strong, frontloaded Shard economy, and can instead feel free to spend your Shard on other things as you build up the resources and damage to finish off the enemy with this card. With a full belt of Shard, this is 9 damage, and more if you have a Weak or Brittle part to target or can increase your maximum Shard.

With Overflowing Power, Glimmer Shot B is a very effective scaling win condition, as Overflowing Power scales this in two different ways that are multiplicative with each other - both by giving you Powerdrive and increasing your Shard capacity. So if you've used Overflowing Power to increase your Shard capacity to, say, 10 and gotten 2 Powerdrive and aim at a Weak point, you'll be doing 6 damage 10 times — enough to kill The Cobalt in one shot. You can entirely focus on defense until you've gotten to this point, which is what Books is good at.