Part Traits

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Some ship parts have traits that change their properties slightly, such as making them more resistant or vulnerable to damage. These traits are indicated by a transparent icon on top of the respective part.

Weak.png Weak

Weak parts will take 1 extra damage from every attack. Multi-hit attacks are especially effective since the extra damage is applied to each hit. Notably, 0 damage attacks will deal 1 damage to Weak parts.

Some ships have Weak parts by default. These include some enemy ship parts, the Jupiter's Comms part, and the player's cockpit on any ship when playing on the Hard or Harder difficulties. Other sources of Weak include:

  • The Glass Cannon boss artifact, which makes the player's active cannon(s) Weak. Inactive cannons (such as those on the Ares or Gemini) are unaffected.
  • The Weaken Hull card, which attacks a ship part and makes it Weak.
  • The Cockpit Lock-On artifact, which makes all enemy cockpits Weak.

Brittle.png Brittle

Brittle parts will take double the damage from every attack, which makes them extremely vulnerable to high damage attacks.

Some ships have Brittle parts by default. These include some enemy ship parts, and the player's cockpit on any ship when playing on the Hardest difficulty. Other sources of Brittle include:

  • The Weaken Hull B card, which attacks a ship part and makes it Brittle.
  • The Fracture Detection artifact, which makes a random enemy part Brittle at the start of combat (although, the indicator is hidden until you damage it).

Armored.png Armored

Armored parts will take 1 less damage from every attack. They are particularly resistant to multi-hit attacks since the damage reduction is applied to each hit, and 1-damage attacks are completely ineffective. However, piercing attacks will ignore the damage reduction of armor.

Some ships have Armored parts by default. These include some enemy ship parts, and the Ares's inactive cannon. Other sources of Armored include:

  • The Aggressive Armoring card, which attacks a ship part and makes it Armored (you mostly just want to play it for the free damage, though).
  • The Armored Bay artifact, which makes the player's missile bay(s) Armored. This includes the inactive missile bay on the Gemini.

Stunnable.png Concussable

Concussable parts will cancel their Intent (if they have one) upon being hit by any attack.

Currently, there is no way to apply Concussable to ship parts that don't have them by default. As such, it only shows up on certain enemy ships.