Cockpit Lock-On

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Crosslink is an artifact that gives all enemy Cockpits Weak.


Provides you with an offensive boost against many enemy ships, provided you can line up with its Cockpit. Works especially well with multi-attacks like Multi Shot and Sear. It's very effective against Buried(?) Relic and The Dreadnought, two fights where offense is premium and they have two Cockpit parts affected. There are also several key fights it doesn't help in, however, as not all enemies have cockpits - the list includes Rogue Starnacle, Crystalline Offshoot, Crystalline Entity, and The Cobalt. Draft accordingly.

Note that in the case of The Humble Approach, you actually change the Brittle cockpit to a Weak one, which could hurt you if you have powerful attacks like Ephemeral Blast.