Multi Shot

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Multi Shot is a common Peri card and one of Peri's starting cards.



Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Attack for 1 damage.
2. Attack for 1 damage.


Multi Shot A


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Attack for 1 damage.
2. Attack for 1 damage.
3. Attack for 1 damage.

Multi Shot B


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Attack for 1 damage with Pierce.
2. Attack for 1 damage with Pierce.


Multi Shots are solid damage cards, and demonstrate what Peri is all about — shooting that enemy ship down! As with any multi-attacking card, it scales well with Overdrive and Powerdrive. Be sure to steer around Armor on enemy ships, and look for Weak (or Brittle) for best effect.

Its A upgrade adds one more shot. While 1 damage is a mediocre upgrade, if you have Overdrive or Powerdrive, this can be more than just 1 damage as an upgrade.

Its B upgrade, meanwhile, adds Piercing — while this does deal with Armor nicely, it needs most of your other damage to be Piercing too for its Shield-bypassing to matter. Perhaps if Drake is one of your co-pilots and you're focusing on Piercing cards, or if you're doing most of your damage with Corrosion, this can be worthwhile.