Multi Blast

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Multi Blast is a common Peri card.



Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. Attack for 2 damage.
2. Attack for 2 damage.


Multi Blast A


Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. Attack for 3 damage. (+1)
2. Attack for 3 damage. (+1)

Multi Blast B


Costs 1 energy (-1). When played:

1. Attack for 2 damage.



Multi Blast is a powerful damage card, looking to destroy the enemy ship quickly. Since this is focusing 2 energy on offense, you'll either need a defensive reserve of Shield or Evade from previous turns or just lucky draw timing to use this without taking damage. Alternately, Peri's toolkit doesn't mind taking some damage here and there as long as that means you can take the enemy ship down quickly.

Its A upgrade gives 2 more damage, a powerful upgrade for even more damage.

Its B upgrade on the other hand makes the card more flexible. It can now be used as a 1 Energy, 2 damage shot if you need your other 2 Energy for defense, it can be 2 Energy, 4 damage like the original, 3 Energy, 6 damage if you just want damage, or if you have a way to get even more Energy like Extra Battery or Power Diversion, it can be even more than that! In a small deck, this can be your only damage card, allowing you to trim out the others.

Multi Blast B's Infinite property can substitute for card draw for infinite combos - for example, if you have Thermal Battery A and draw your entire deck, including this card, you can repeatedly play Thermal Battery A for as much Energy as you need, then use this card to finish off the enemy.