Power Play

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Power Play is an uncommon Peri card.



Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. Gain 1 Powerdrive.
2. Lose 1 hull.

Exhausts when played.


Power Play A


Costs 1 energy (-1). When played:

1. Gain 1 Powerdrive.
2. Lose 1 hull.

Exhausts when played.

Power Play B


Costs 3 energy (+1). When played:

1. Gain 1 Powerdrive.

(Do not lose 1 hull.)

Exhausts when played.


Power Play gives you the valuable Powerdrive, buffing all your attacks for the rest of the battle by 1. This effect is powerful but costs 1 hull and 2 Energy - it's at its best in long fights like boss fights. It will wear you down in regular combats, both because of its l damage and 2 Energy for no immediate gain, however. You may wish not to play it in such fights, though it will be a dead card then. It does ensure that just about any battle won't take too long, especially with Multi Shot and other multi-attacks that take advantage of it. It's at its best with some sources of healing like Nanofiber Hull, Adaptive Plating, Battle Repair, or Pillage and Plunder to offset its hull loss.

The A upgrade makes it easier to play in the context of a battle without losing as much tempo, which is important especially for shorter fights and very offense-heavy builds, allowing you to attack more on the turn you play it.

The B upgrade makes it even more unwieldy but removes its hull loss, making it more suitable for defensive builds that can buy the time to play it but want to make sure no fight lasts too long.