Weaken Hull

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Weaken Hull is a rare Peri card.



Costs 3 energy. When played:

1. Attack for 2. Ship part hit becomes Weak.

Exhausts when played.


Weaken Hull A


Costs 3 energy. When played:

1. Attack for 2. Ship part hit becomes Weak.
2. Move 1 to the right.
3. Attack for 2. Ship part hit becomes Weak.

Exhausts when played.

Weaken Hull B


Costs 3 energy. When played:

1. Attack for 2. Ship part hit becomes Brittle.

Exhausts when played.


1. The status is applied after the hit. For example, if you hit an Armored part, you will deal 1 less damage with this card, and then that part will become Weak for all subsequent hits.
2. If you hit a Brittle part with Weaken Hull or Weaken Hull A, the part will become weak, and no longer brittle.


Weaken Hull is the only card in the game to apply Weak to enemy ship parts, increasing all your future damage output provided you can keep targeting the part you hit. It is an expensive attack that doesn't do that much relative to its cost on its own, so you'll need to capitalize on this. Luckily, Peri has a lot of ways to do this, both in her maneuvering cards and her multi-shot cards like Multi Shot. It can be used to hit a pesky Armored part to make it no longer so.

Its A upgrade adds 2 damage and widens the Weak effect, making it easier to exploit the created weakness along with front-loaded damage.

Its B upgrade, on the other hand, makes the targeted part Brittle. This can be a big deal if you're sporting high-damage attacks such as Parry, Charge Beam, Prism, or if you have a lot of Overdrive or Powerdrive, allowing them to finish the opponent more quickly. Note that this isn't better than Weak for 1 damage shots and you are sacrificing both up-front damage and area-of-effect for this upgrade, so be sure it's worth it.