Frontloaded Blast

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Frontloaded Blast is a uncommon Peri card.



Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Attack for 4.
2. Add 3 Fumes to your draw pile.


Frontloaded Blast A


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Attack for 4.
2. Add 2 Fumes to your draw pile. (-1)

Frontloaded Blast B


Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Attack for 4.
2. Add 3 Fumes to your draw pile.


Frontloaded Blast does what it says, doing a lot of up-front damage while creating future problems for you. Unfortunately for this card, frontloaded damage isn't particularly valuable in this game - damage ultimately doesn't do anything unless the enemy is dead, for the most part. So the fact that this costs you 4 draws is a really significant penalty unless you use this card as a finisher - which it can do, especially with Weaken Hull B and paired with other offense. But be really careful with this card.

Its A upgrade reduces the amount of Fumes you get by one, making it cost 3 draws instead of 4. It still struggles to justify its cost of 3 draws.

Its B upgrade instead reduces its Energy cost by 1, which is nice if you're looking to assemble a killing volley with it to make sure the enemy's dead before those Fumes matter.