Wave Charge

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Wave Charge is a common Peri card.



Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. Add Wave Beam to your hand.

Exhausts when played.


Wave Charge A


Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. Add Wave Beam A to your hand.

Exhausts when played.

Wave Charge B


Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. Add two copies of Wave Beam to your draw pile.

Exhausts when played.


Wave Charge puts powerful, 0 cost attacks into your hand for a high cost of 2 energy. The payoff comes when you redraw the Wave Beams and can play them for 0 energy. Note that they have piercing, so they are valuable assets against enemies with a lot more Shield than hull, most notably Needler in act 1. They're also nice in longer fights where the energy savings can add up and can be easily stacked with Overdrive.

The A upgrade adds 1 damage to the Wave Beams, a proposition that usually isn't worth it. But it does mean that you finish off shelled enemies like the Needler faster if that's important to you.

The B upgrade instead adds 2 copies to the draw pile. Note that this slows your drawing through your deck by 3, which is quite an investment. You'd really want a deck with high Energy costs to make this proposition worthwhile, and those tend to mean that Wave Charge itself is a liability.