Glass Cannon

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Glass Cannon is a Boss artifact that gives you 1 Energy per turn, but makes your Cannon(s) Weak.


On the Gemini and Ares, this only applies to currently active Cannon(s).

You will not be offered this artifact if you are playing the Jupiter ship (as it has no cannons).


There aren't many ways to get 1 Energy per turn, and this is one of them. A powerful effect, especially with card draw and high-cost cards.

Beware the weak cannon - it can be a liability on Shield-based builds. Stun works excellently with this artifact, as it completely negates its downside for the turn. The Ares and Gemini can use their abilities to manipulate where the weakness is, usually giving you a way to keep it safe, and the Tiderunner can usually get it out of the way too.