Aggressive Armoring

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Aggressive Armoring is a uncommon Drake card.



Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Attack for 3. This Armors the part hit for the rest of battle.


Aggressive Armoring A


Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Attack for 4. This Armors the part hit for the rest of battle.

Aggressive Armoring B


Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Attack for 3. This Armors the part hit for the rest of battle.
2. Move 1 to the right.
3. Attack for 3. This Armors the part hit for the rest of battle.


Ship parts hit will use their existing Weak/Brittle/Armored/normal state when calculating this attack's damage, then that will be replaced with Armored. (Concussible will remain.)


Aggressive Armoring is a powerful offensive weapon, with the downside of armoring the ship you're hitting. It's very powerful, especially with its cost taken into account, in regular fights, but be wary that the armoring can come back to bite you in longer fights - mainly boss fights. This synergizes well with the plentiful sources of Pierce in Drake's cardpool that can ignore the downside - the Piercer and Drone Piercer can also help you manage this downside.

Its A upgrade increases its damage by 1, which is fairly unimpressive, but at the very least it's on a 0 cost card.

Its B upgrade on the other hand doubles its damage to 6 at base (for zero energy!), at the expensive of armoring another ship part - a powerful upgrade if you have plenty of Pierce to manage the downside!