Flash Point

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Flash Point is a uncommon Drake card.



Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Attack for an amount equal to your Heat.
2. End your turn.


Flash Point A


Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Attack for an amount equal to your Heat.

(Do not end your turn.)

Flash Point B


Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Gain 2 Heat.
2. Attack for an amount equal to your Heat.
3. End your turn.


Flash Point epitomizes the "I can burn as long as my opponent burns brighter" mindset of Drake, turning your Heat into an offensive asset. Note that if you can finish off your opponent with this card, you won't suffer any of its downsides! But unless many of your cards give you Heat, this card has a pretty high chance of being a dud - you may draw it with no Heat. And if you do have 3 or more Heat (4 with Next Gen Insulation, which does pair well with this card), you will be taking damage after playing it - you won't have a chance to lower your heat after playing it. And it's best if you're using Shield rather than Evade for defense, as you won't be able to move after using this either, making it impossible to use without getting fired on in many fights. Desperate Measures, Firewall (especially its B upgrade), and Hot Compress are excellent companions for this card.

Its A upgrade means it stops ending your turn, letting you aspire to use heat-lowering effects alongside it to avoid overheating after using it, or use Evade to dodge afterward.

Its B upgrade instead embraces its burn-bright nature more whole-heartedly, adding 2 Heat and therefore 2 damage to its attack, ensuring it will never fizzle, and making it quite likely you'll overheat after using it - but perhaps the enemy will be dead first!