Desperate Measures

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Desperate Measures is a common Drake card.



Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Gain 1 Shield.
2. Gain 2 Temp Shield.
3. Gain 3 Heat.

Exhausts when played.


Desperate Measures A


Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Gain 1 Shield.
2. Gain 2 Temp Shield.
3. Gain 1 Heat (-2).

Exhausts when played.

Desperate Measures B


Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Gain 2 Shield (+1).
2. Gain 3 Temp Shield. (+1)
3. Gain 4 Heat (+1).

Exhausts when played.


Desperate Measures envisions an all-out firefight between the player and the enemy, providing a cheap and powerful defense that doesn't cost any Energy, but gives enough Heat to instantly overheat the ship, causing you to lose 1 hull at the end of the turn. But if you're getting hit anyway, its defensive output should make up for that, and as an added bonus, since you're overheating anyway, might as well play lots of other Heat-inducing cards this turn too! There's no extra penalty for being at 6 Heat anyway - just throw caution to the wind! Needless to say, you'll need to either have a way to recover hull to play this way, or have a way to not use cards like this until the fights that you really need it in; otherwise you'll get worn down by the hull you're losing. Alternately, Serenity, either from the card of that name or Heat Distiller, can allow you to cheat this card's downside for a powerful benefit.

Its A upgrade cools it off significantly, allowing it to be playable in a strategy that would prefer to manage heat rather than revel in it. It's still quite efficient for the Energy, even though it does Exhaust.

Its B upgrade instead leans into its playstyle even further, adding 1 Shield and Temp Shield to the package. It adds 1 Heat too, but that's just a number at this point, right?