EMP Slug

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EMP Slug is a common Drake card and one of Drake's starting cards.



Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. Attack for 3 with Stun.
2. Gain 1 Heat.


EMP Slug A


Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. Attack for 4 with Stun. (+1)
2. Gain 1 Heat.

EMP Slug B


Costs 2 energy. When played:

1. Attack for 5 with Stun. (+2)
2. Gain 2 Heat. (+1)


EMP Slug epitomizes Drake's style - a strong offensive and defensive resource, but one that gives Heat in the process. Use it to hit the enemy hard and stun key intents. In the early game, use Heatsink to prevent this from resulting in you losing hull for this. You have a choice between trying to manage the Heat downside so that it doesn't damage you, or embracing that downside and healing yourself to make up the difference, depending on how your run goes.

Its A upgrade adds 1 damage, which isn't terribly impressive, especially on a 2 cost card. There are probably better candidates for upgrade.

Its B upgrade adds 2 damage however, at the cost of adding 1 Heat too. If you're exceptional at keeping Heat down, or can handle overheating just fine, this upgrade can be worth it.