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Heatsink is a common Drake card and one of Drake's starting cards.



Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Move 1 to the right.
2. Lose 1 Heat.


Heatsink A


Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Move 1 to the right.
2. Lose 1 Heat.

Heatsink B


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Move 2 to the right.
2. Lose 1 Heat.



Heatsink is your early game answer to Drake's overheating, keeping Heat in check with a bit of movement thrown in. Depending on how useful moving right is and how much you need to lose Heat, you may or may not play this card as its utility is situational. It can be considered for removal if you decide you don't mind the heat, though it has useful upgrades too.

Its A upgrade makes it 0 cost, making it easier to play whenever drawn. If you're committed to playing this card whenever drawn, 1 Energy each of those times does a lot of good.

Its B upgrade instead increases its movement, both moving more and letting you choose which direction, making it a much better resource for dodging shots in addition to removing heat.