Combustion Engine

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Combustion Engine is a common Drake card.



Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Move right a number of spaces equal to your Heat.



Combustion Engine A


Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Move right a number of spaces equal to your Heat.
2. Lose 1 Heat.


Combustion Engine B


Costs 0 energy. When played:

1. Gain 2 Heat.
2. Move right a number of spaces equal to your Heat.



Combustion Engine provides a cheap way to move around, costing no Energy, provided you have Heat to power it. It does have reliability issues, as the amount of heat you'll have tends to be quite variable; even if you aren't trying to keep your heat down, overheating causes you to lose all your heat. So on a typical turn, you won't be working with more than 2 heat, and unless you're running a lot of heat-generating cards, it's quite possible this card will simply brick as you'll draw it with no heat. Note that negative heat works with this card too if you have Subzero Heatsinks, allowing you to use this card consistently if you keep heat consistently negative.

Its A upgrade causes you to lose 1 heat after using this, which isn't efficient given that many upgrades save you 2 heat on use.

Its B upgrade on the other hand causes you to gain 2 heat before using this, ensuring it will be an effective dodging tool on every turn, but at a severe heat cost. But if you tend to run up heat anyway and just heal the difference, this upgrade is quite powerful!