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Ventilator is a uncommon Drake card.



Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Discard 1 card at random.
2. Draw 2 cards.
3. Lose 1 Heat.



Ventilator A


Costs 1 energy. When played: (Do not discard.)

1. Draw 2 cards.
2. Lose 1 Heat.


Ventilator B


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Discard 2 cards at random. (+1)
2. Draw 4 cards. (+2)
3. Lose 2 Heat. (+1)



Ventilator gives Drake an option for card draw as well as somewhat flexible Heat loss, increasing your handsize by 1 in exchange for 1 Energy. As with any card draw, it pairs well with 0 Energy cards, and as it is a way to lose heat it pairs well with powerful cards with a heat downside like Desperate Measures. Be sure to play cards you want to play before playing this card as it may randomly discard them. As this card has Infinite you can usually play it as often as you have Energy to, but it has a chance of discarding itself with its discard effect, decreasing its reliability somewhat. As with many card draw effects, this card can go infinite with Thermal Battery if you have both and are able to draw your whole deck, but that's particularly notable for this card since it's the only one in Drake's card pool.

Its A upgrade removes the discard effect, allowing you to net 2 cards in hand per play and removes the random element to it, making it more predictable and easy-to-use - you'll always be able to use this as long as you have Energy.

Its B upgrade also nets 2 cards in hand per play, but makes it even more chaotic, doubling both its draw and discard, and also more efficient in terms of heat lost per energy spent.