Perfect Specimen

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Perfect Specimen is a rare Books card.



Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Heal for 2.
2. Gain a non-Temporary Crystal Shard.

Single Use.


Perfect Specimen A


Costs 0 energy. (-1) When played:

1. Heal for 5. (+3)
2. Gain a non-Temporary Crystal Shard.

Single Use.

Perfect Specimen B


Costs 1 energy. When played:

1. Heal for 2.
2. Gain a Temporary Crystal Shard.

Exhausts (instead of Single Use).


Perfect Specimen gives you both a heal and a permanent boost to your Shard economy with no tempo loss (beyond the first play in one combat) and as such can confidently be taken over skipping in virtually all cases.

Its A upgrade is rather comparable to a Repair Yard repair, and makes the card not cost any tempo even on initial play. If you're headed into a boss fight and are at full hull this may be worth considering, but usually you want to just play this card and then get that Repair Yard repair if you need it. But if you have Zero Doubler, you can use it on this upgrade to get an additional Crystal Shard. Considering Crystal Shard is very good with Zero Doubler, this is well worth your while.

Its B upgrade on the other hand makes it an Unpolished Crystal with a heal for 2 attached. It's now a tempo slowdown, like Unpolished Crystal is, but the idea is that even if you start fights slowly, you can afford to drop 2 hull each fight thanks to this card, and you'll still get its shard economy boost.