Shard Collector

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Shard Collector is an artifact that gives you 1 more Shard capacity.


Without a strong Shard economy, this doesn't have an impact on a run. But if you can find ways to gain Shard more readily (and ways to spend it so that this actually matters) this can allow you to be more flexible as to when you gain Shard. It's easier to use high-Shard cost cards like Zircon Zip and Block Evolution, and easier to use Swizzle Shift B's +3 Shard usefully.

It can be an enabler for using Overflowing Power to get Powerdrive, but on its own it's not great at this - you still need to be able to generate enough Shard to use it. If you can't by the time you first draw it, you probably don't get Powerdrive any faster than you would've without it.

Resonance Fork is a great enabler, turning this extra capacity into extra initial output on turn 1, and making Overflowing Power suddenly quite easy to use to great effect.