Revenge Drive

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Revenge Drive is an artifact that gives you 1 Overdrive the first time you take damage each turn.


You lose Overdrive at the end of your turn, so if you take hull damage during the enemy's turn, you'll have the Overdrive the following turn. This artifact also "resets" (becomes capable of giving you Overdrive again) at the end of your turn.

Overheating due to Heat happens after Overdrive decays, so if you overheat this will be effective next turn.


Revenge Drive epitomizes the "all-out" approach, spending resources mainly on attacking the enemy, taking some damage in return, and then doing the same next turn, but with extra power. Overdrive is very synergistic with Peri's all-out, multi attacking toolkit, so if you lean into this, you can deal a lot of damage, if you have a way of managing your steadily-declining hull.

Even if you don't go all-out with offense, this artifact will do a lot of work in the toughest fights, which is when you need it most. There are some damage-race fights, like Buried(?) Relic, where you should strongly consider intentionally taking damage with this on early turns to finish the fight faster.

There are some self-damage cards that can also be used to coax this artifact into activating even in situations where you aren't otherwise taking damage, like Bloodstone Bolt, Power Play, Bruise, and Heat cards.